Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Nancy, Ba

Today is shaping up pretty good, I think! Yesterday, I wrote my last exam as an undergrad and it was much easier than I had thought it would be. Now, I'm officially done school and a university grad! Well, I suppose I'll have to wait until I've got my diploma in-hand. Anyway, a bunch of us went out for a celebratory dinner last night at L'Académie, which was really nice, despite the pouring rain. Actually, if the weather had been nice, there probably would have been a lineup. Today I got the huge paycheque that I've been waiting for, so now I'm rich! Actually, I'm not rich because I immediately put most of it toward paying off my trip... which happens in 3 days! Nice!

Today in the news: Ashton Kutcher has webbed toes. Does anyone care about this, really? It must be a slow news day...

Monday, April 25, 2005

World's Biggest Clod Part II

My Biology Prof. just sent out a general e-mail to the entire class saying that someone who wrote their final paper on the monarch butterfly forgot to put their name on their paper. "Please identify yourself", he wrote. Guess who the idiot was that forgot to put their name on their paper? Yep, that was me. I think I'm turning into a complete airhead. Never in my 4 1/2 years in university have I forgotten to put my name on my paper! Oh well. I wrote him back and enclosed another copy of my paper to show that I wasn't some loser in the class that didn't hand theirs in and is trying to get some free marks. Well, at least it shows that my head works SOMETIMES!

Maybe I'm just too excited for school to be finished. Just one exam left... Wednesday afternoon. And the weather is bumming me out. But that's okay; a week from now I'll be in Cuba!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

"Tetris Song"

For anyone that has met Kim's friend Brian... well, no further explanation is required, I'm sure...

From Toothpaste for Dinner

Monday, April 18, 2005

Yahoo, Nancy's Quiz! How Well Do You Know Me?

I went along with the crowd and made a quiz! Take my quiz!

If you fill it out, I'll be so happy!

Virus Help

Okay, I plead guilty for spreading that stupid virus on MSN Messenger. Well, it's not like I did it on purpose! Anyway, if anyone has it and can't get rid of it, here's what you do:

- go into your task manager and click on the "processes" tab
- scroll down the list until you find one with a rather long name, something like "New Figure". Click on it.
- at the bottom of the window click on "End Process". It will give you a warning, but press OK.
- now that the process is no longer running, you can now delete the file. Mine showed up right on my desktop, it's called "fgr.exe". Delete it!
- run a virus check, just in case!

I apologize to anyone that got the virus from me. Luckily, it's not a bad one!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Dallas, We Have a Problem

While poking around on the internet today I came across something rather amusing. It's a personality test where you draw a pig and then they analyze your picture! It was sorta cute, so if you're bored, you can go and check it out here.

Lucky me, in the past 2 weeks I've won 4 trips to Florida... What's going on here? We booked our trip to Cuba with a travel agent 2 weeks ago and all of a sudden I keep getting calls from Dallas, Texas. Every time it's this girl that says "Hi, this is Kelly from reception. Congratulations, you've won a trip to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a Disney cruise and a trip to Nassau...!" Yay me. Why is it that all of my "personal" information is not personal once I've given it to a travel agent? And how do all of these telemarketers get a hold of it? Anyway, Kelly is becoming a bit of a piss-off.

I don't like having my full name, phone number and possibly even my credit card numbers floating around who-knows-where. Without some anonymity, just about anyone could call you up, looking for your blue wrestling pants. Yeah, I wish I was making that up. I never figured that one out. One day, out of nowhere, this guy called me saying that he wanted to buy the blue wrestling pants I had advertised in the newspaper. He told me he could really see me "kicking his ass in them". What the?!?! I never figured out how he got my name and phone number. Oh well, at least he never called back!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

But I Still Have to Wait

Yesterday when I left work, I was walking to the train station and I ran into an old buddy from school. He was with this other guy and they decided to walk with me to the train station. When we got there, this old friend of mine saw this other girl that he knows. He called her over and introduced us. "This is Nancy," he says. "She's applying for DEIA." (grad studies) "Oh yeah" she says and then she recites my full name. Obviously baffled, I asked her how she knew my name. She then told me that she works in the Geography, Planning and the Environment department and she's been managing my application for grad studies! Anyhow, it was then just the two of us girls as my escorts went their own way. So I took the train home with this girl I didn't know who has access to all of my information, including my academic transcripts! She was really nice though, and good company on the train ride home. She even told me that I made the short list of applicants and that I have a really good chance of getting in. That's good to know! Oh, and as we were talking I even realized that I know her boyfriend! These weird coincidental things keep happening to me. Strange...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Bestest Bestest

**Happy Birthday to my Bestest Guy!!!**

He's such the bestest that proper grammar eludes me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Short on Shorts

So yesterday I attended my very last class ever as an undergrad and I handed in my last ever term paper as an undergrad. How exciting to be graduating from university! It's also a pretty cool destinction seeing as I will be the only person in my family to have a university degree. My dad went to technical college and my brother is doing the same. My mom started at nursing school but she had to leave because of health reasons (don't worry, she's fine now!). Anyway, I think that makes my degree pretty important to my parents...

Now that I've got my classes out of the way, I am now able to concntrate on some other things, namely Mike's birthday and our approaching trip to Cuba! So yesterday, for the first time in ages, I stepped into a mall and I went shopping! Yesterday evening I was at Fairview with my mom, she volunteered to buy me a few pairs of shorts seeing as I don't have any and I'll need some for my trip. Heh heh, can't say no to free stuff! Well, we had no idea how difficult it would be to find shorts. We searched the whole mall and found NOTHING! Well, that's not exactly true. We could not find any shorts under $60. Who would pay so much for a lousy pair of shorts?! And why is it that only designer labels are coming out with shorts this season? It's ridiculous! There were actually lots of nice ones at Sport Experts, but again $60 +. Anyway, we left Fairview last night with only one pair that I found at Winners.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good place to find some decent shorts? I'm looking specifically for board shorts, cuz they're light and they look fun! I suppose I might go have a look on E-Bay.

Friday, April 08, 2005


You always know when it's spring on my street. Not only does the weather get warm and the air begins to smell like rot, but all of the kids on the street come out from hiding. During the summer, the street is always full of kids and every springtime, there seem to be MORE! As soon as the weather warms up, the kids appear, and you can see how big they've gotten. And you can see the new ones that appeared. And you can see all of the (once again) pregnant mothers. Then you can catch up on all of the neighbourhood gossip... oh to live in the suburbs!

It's great to see all of the kids playing together on the street (if you like kids, that is!) and all of the parents congregating in driveways. On Thursday, it was sunny and 14 degrees and all of the kids came out, babysitters and parents in tow, for the first time this year. And I noticed something: the kids that I used to babysit are now babysitting... now I feel so old!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Star Wars Fan??

From Diesel Girl

World's Biggest Clod

I got some interesting news this morining. Let me explain the situation first: at work, for the winter semester, I have been getting paid by 2 different departments. Well, I'm supposed to, anyhow. Last week on pay day, I noticed that my cheque was exceptionally low and I mentioned it to my boss. Anyhow, it seems that not only did the other department forget to pay me during the last pay period, they've forgotten to 4 other times too! And I haven't even noticed! No wonder I've been so poor! Anyway, I guess it's ok to be a complete space cadet sometimes, because it's fun to be told you're going to get a huge retrogressive cheque! Yay! Anyway, it's a good thing I (finally) noticed the problem...

Are there any Friendster users reading? They've been doing a lot of revamping on the site lately. This morning I noticed that for each of your Friends, you get joint horoscopes. Apparently I have awesome bonds and chemistry with all kinds of people that I never see... thanks for the inspiration, Friendster people! I do enjoy the site though, it's a good way to keep in touch with people. And I figured out how to get an RSS feed working so that anyone can access my blog from there too. Anyway, anyone that wants to give Friendster a try, it's fast, free and easy! If you want to add me to your list, put in my e-mail address. The Hotmail one.


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Mike and I at Plumber's Ball
Posted by Hello

Cracks at the Plumber's Ball

I just finished watching What Dreams May Come. What a great movie! I'd recommend watching it if you feel like bawling your eyes out for 2 hours.

So last night was the "Plumber's Ball". It was a good time, despite my shoes killing my feet (again! I don't think I'll ever learn!). At least we got in some dancing! Well, cocktails were a little disappointing, there were two small bowls of non-alcoholized punch that had to be shared amongst roughly 300 people. But the canapés were yummy! Dinner was at 7:00 in a concrete and steel girder monster of a room... classy! But we were on the end of King Edward pier and two of the walls in our banquet hall were floor-to-ceiling glass so we had a fantastic view of the Old Port... it's really beautiful to see it at night! Hmm, what else? Dinner was pretty good, standard banquet stuff, but we only had two bottles of wine for the entire table (of ten). No matter, there was more to be had at the (open) bar! The only problem with the bar was that people were getting drinks four at a time and other kept butting in line, so we had to wait about 45 minutes for our drinks. Meanwhile, the dj played about 20 calypso songs in a row, which are impossible to dance to without glow sticks... oh but wait... then came the glow sticks! Woo-hoo! I think that was my favourite part of the evening! Yeah, it doesn't take much! Another thing that was nice, was that there were 10 champagne flutes at every table, there was one for everybody, and we got to keep them! However, they were the kind that have the really long stem with no base so you have to stand them up in a vase of something. It was kinda weird that the Engineering faculty would give the graduates such poorly designed gifts! Ah, but they're pretty! We had to guard them with our lives though, people kept trying to take them from us! Anyway, we danced for a while and our night at the ball ended at 2:00 am. Then, Mike's brothers and Kim came and took us home, but not before a middle-of-the-night stop at "La Belle" for even more food!

It was a good night!