Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Short on Shorts

So yesterday I attended my very last class ever as an undergrad and I handed in my last ever term paper as an undergrad. How exciting to be graduating from university! It's also a pretty cool destinction seeing as I will be the only person in my family to have a university degree. My dad went to technical college and my brother is doing the same. My mom started at nursing school but she had to leave because of health reasons (don't worry, she's fine now!). Anyway, I think that makes my degree pretty important to my parents...

Now that I've got my classes out of the way, I am now able to concntrate on some other things, namely Mike's birthday and our approaching trip to Cuba! So yesterday, for the first time in ages, I stepped into a mall and I went shopping! Yesterday evening I was at Fairview with my mom, she volunteered to buy me a few pairs of shorts seeing as I don't have any and I'll need some for my trip. Heh heh, can't say no to free stuff! Well, we had no idea how difficult it would be to find shorts. We searched the whole mall and found NOTHING! Well, that's not exactly true. We could not find any shorts under $60. Who would pay so much for a lousy pair of shorts?! And why is it that only designer labels are coming out with shorts this season? It's ridiculous! There were actually lots of nice ones at Sport Experts, but again $60 +. Anyway, we left Fairview last night with only one pair that I found at Winners.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good place to find some decent shorts? I'm looking specifically for board shorts, cuz they're light and they look fun! I suppose I might go have a look on E-Bay.


At 9:01 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Hey, thanks for the suggestions... I'll go and take a look at Walmart. Despite the fact that they're inherently evil.

Yes, there's a Winner's at Fairview now. They spend a year revamping the place and putting in all kinds of designer stores and then they stick in a Winner's. Go figure.

And I looked at the Powder Room shorts at Sports Ex. too... cheapest pair was $39.99. At San Francisco maillots, the cheapest shorts were $60.00

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

I had a brainwave today! I went to Simon's to look for shorts... and they had lots for not too expensive, so I got 2 pairs and now I'm all set! And yeah, I found Powder Room shorts: they were all $15-$20 cheaper than they were at Sports Ex. How does that work??


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