Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I've Lost Me Somewhere

Recently I came upon a CD where the title was actually an anagram of the singer's name. For anyone that cares, I'm referring to Mike Doughty's most recent album "Haughty Melodic" (get it; if you rearrange the letters in the name 'Michael Doughty' it becomes 'Haughty Melodic'). This got me wondering if my name could be rearranged to spell something clever like that... My quest brought me to All you have to do is type in your name and it does all of the work for you! When I typped in my full name (and I mean my real first name), I came up with the following:

  • Centenary of nil
  • Fiercely not Nan
  • Latency inferno
  • One crafty Lenin (ha ha, that's a funny one!)
  • Felony in nectar

So what's your anagram name???

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Clocks Like Ticking Bombs With Hairpin Triggers Somewhat Lately

So it's reading week for the Concordians. Can't honestly say I've been looking forward to reading week. I promised myself that this week would be the week I devote myself to looking for an internship. And that I would do it properly. That means researching companies I'd like to work for, reworking my CV, writing up cover letters and calling the companies I'm interested in to see if they are taking on interns. Job hunting is such an intimidating process and I'm just so used to having jobs practically fall into my lap. I've never really had to do this before at this scale, so I'm a little nervous! I'm not actually nervous about speaking to these people, I'm more worried that they're simply going to tell me "no" and then where would I be? I get my hopes up for working at a few different companies that I've selected so I'm afraid of the very possible disappointment they they may not want an intern. So I don't want to call. But I have to call, because I don't want to just e-mail in my CV and then sit there waiting and wondering for weeks on end. I need closure! Anyway, that's what I'm up to this week.

I would also like to credit the band Kamikaze Baby with the lyric I put in as the title of this post. It's from their song called "Time's A Wasting". Its such a great line! Kinda makes me realize how much time I'm wasting writing in this blog as I procrastinate! Anyway, we saw this band at Clyde's last Thursday. They were quite impressive and now I'm the proud owner of their latest album "Identity Crisis". I'd recommend checking them out; they've got a style that you don't often get when it comes to west island bands. They seem to have some Radiohead/Muse influences, and the lyrics are actually meaningful. Very neat.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The One Where I Talk About Mike

This year, since St. Valentine's Day is on a Tuesday, and I'm at school 'til late on Tuesdays, Mike and I decided to celebrate a little early. That's right folks, Valentine's Day is over! Well, it is for us, anyway! It was nice though; we went out for dinner on Saturday and I got to pick the restaurant! So I chose "Di Sera" because we both liked it last time we went, and it's Bring Your Own Wine so it's also cheaper!

I spent most of Saturday working on papers for school and other such things. I was all alone at home so I had peace and quiet... until the doorbell rang at about 2:00. Who could that be? I thought to myself. No one ever comes to the door, and even then, it's never for me... But no one else is home, so who could it be? I pondered for a second, trying to decide whether or not to answer the door. That's when I realized I was still in my pajamas and my hair was a mess. That decided it for me: I wouldn't answer the door. But my curiosity got the best of me, so I lifted the blinds and looked out the window. Parked across the street was Mike's car. So that was when I ran to the door, feeling bad that I had left him standing on the front step out there in the cold! When I opened the door, there he was a big bouquet of flowers! Yay, what a nice surprise! He could have waited until dinner to give them to me, but no... he wanted to surprise me and give them to me when I least expected it. I love that!

Celebrating continued on Sunday with the beginning of the festivities for my Dad's 50th birthday. His birthday is actually on Wednesday, but we went out for dinner with his side of the family on Sunday evening. I brought Mike along, which proved to be good fun! You see, my Dad's family has known Mike for a little over a year now, although they've only met him three times. Regardless, some of them can't remember his name. Which is pretty weak. But I can't say I'm entirely surprised, because I wouldn't be so shocked if they didn't know mine. It's not because they're dumb, it's because they simply don't care. I hate to say it, but it's true. Anyway, we were kiss-kissing everyone hello. My Dad's brother came up to Mike, said hello, and it became quite obvious that he couldn't remember Mike's name, so he said it for my uncle. So then my unlce asks, "So what's my name?" without any hesitation, Mike says it. Sensing a challenge, my uncle's wife comes up. "And what's my name?" she asks. Mike gets her name right away as well. They were obviously impressed and chagrined and I was thrilled. He sure showed them! I just think it's pretty stupid that several members of my extended family can't even bother to remember one person's name, when Mike has succeeded in memorizing 7 people's names after having met them only 3 times in over a year. That's not fair!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lookin' Like a True Survivor, Feelin' Like a Little Kid

Dear Bloggy,

Happy birthday! How does it feel to be one year old?! I bet it feels pretty good! I honestly can't relate, because I don't remember what it was like to be one year old... Anyway. I'm pretty proud of myself, that I've been able to maintain you, Oh Bloggy, for a year now. I've tried on many occasions to keep diaries and for some reason, it never worked for very long. Maybe I was too lazy or maybe my life was just too boring, who knows? But I'm so glad I'm keeping a log of everything I experience and do, because I know that these coming years are going to be the most important, exciting and scariest years of my life. So isn't it the best time to keep track of my experiences? In retrospect, diaries aren't ideal because they get old, tattered, faded and ultimately thrown out or lost. Since I have my faithful Bloggy on the internet, I can rest assured that at any time, I can pluck you out of cyberspace and reminisce. I sincerely hope and plan that you'll be with me when I finish Grad school, when I start my career, when Mike and I buy our house, etc. See what I mean by "the most important, exciting and scariest years of my life"?! Oh by the way, this puts things into perspective for me: the invitations for Christine and Martin's wedding came in the mail the other day. It's all happening!

Well Bloggy, I hope you're ready for another year of excitement... it's gonna be a big one. Because I have no idea where I will be one year from today!

Love from,


Oh yeah, how could I forget: and a happy birthday to Ashton Kutcher! He was, after all, an oddly indirect inspiration for starting this blog in the first place. Have I had any more psychic dreams since then? Hard to say...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I Come for the Wuggas, But I Stay For the Jigga Juggas

A couple days ago, I came upon an amusing music video that I found on the internet. Everyone I've showed it to so far has found it pretty amusing, so I'm linking to it here for your own watching and viewing pleasure!

Click to watch "A Family Story" , the story of how a man became his own grandfather. Composed by Ray Stephens.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Let Them be Broken

This morning I learned that my cousin bashed his face in while skiing. Somehow, he took a bad fall and ended up with his ski in his mouth (???). He broke his nose and a few teeth. When he was at the dentist getting his teeth fixed on Wednesday, at one point the dentist commented: "Oh, your skis are purple!" Ack! Anyway, he's gonna be okay.

So let's get this straight: my cousin went skiing and broke his face. My brother went skiing and got a concussion. You know, as someone who's just learning how to ski, this is NOT stuff I want to be hearing! On the other hand, my cousin is a daredevil on skis and does some crazy stuff. And my brother was actually snowboarding, and snowboards are dangerous!

I won't be discouraged! I will go back!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hell Yeah, I Remember

Wonder of Wonders; I saw Aurora yesterday!

Actually, she saw me... at Guy Concordia metro station. We were only able to chat for a couple minutes, but essentially, she's doing well and not staying out of trouble (insert gleeful little smile here).

We're gonna go out for coffee next week!