Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Monday, February 07, 2005

It's Only the Beginning

I'll say it right off the bat... I'm a copycat. And I'm not ashamed! I received an e-mail today from a friend who said she was starting a blog. Naturally, I decided to check it out, and was immediately inspired! So I decided to start a blog for myself. Doesn't seem too difficult, and I've made a bit of a foray into the world of cyberspace with my archaic little website that I created in 2003. Don't recall the address right now, but I can post it later on if and when I find it. Anyway, so here I am and that's GOOD because... I like to talk about myself (who doesn't?) and I find the feel of clicking keys on the keyboard under my fingertips oh so satisfying!

So let me start off this blog-thing with a bang... I'm a psychic! Actually, I'm just as much a psychic as I am a butcher. So I guess I could say I experienced one hell of a coincidence today! I woke up this morning, very early and therefore fell back into a light, dozy kind of sleep. The kind of sleep where you have really vivid dreams. I dreamt that I was at Ashton Kutcher's birthday party (let me explain right here that I am no great fan of Ashton Kutcher's and I rarely watch 'That 70's Show'. Good show, but I don't watch it religiously). Anyhow, apparently Mr. Kutcher was a friend of a friend and I was invited to this restaurant for his birthday lunch where we ate fried snake (inconsequential detail, but interesting nevertheless). I never spoke to Ashton, but he was there having a great old time. The dream goes on from there, but that's the essential part. When I woke up, I could not for the life of me figure out why I had been dreaming about Ashton Kutcher. Anyhow, later on in the afternoon, while packing up my school stuff, a magazine fell out of my bag. It was one of those free magazines you can get at any movie theatre. I had forgotten I had it; I got it at the Paramount last week when I went to see 'White Noise'. Anyhow, I hadn't looked at it yet and decided to read it right then and there. Toward the end was the horoscope page and the bottom featured celebrity birthdays. Out of curiosity, I looked to see who was clebrating a birthday today, February 7th. Indeed, today is Ashton Kutcher's birthday.

I'll leave you with that thought while I go and microwave myself some dinner.

Hey, this blog stuff is fun!


At 7:37 PM, Blogger Aurora said...

Fantastico! I'm so happy I could be of inspiration.
And now, if no one else cares to comment on our blogs, we can at least keep eachother company!

And the dream thing? Freaky indeed. You must have some kind of psychic connection with Mr.Kutcher. Let's hope it's not to detrimental to your IQ level...

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm posting anonymously because I am too lazy to join in the blog fun and sign up, so... Thanks for sharing, I'll be peeping in on your life! Everything here is great, Sebastian turned 2 yesterday, Jen's wedding was beautifull, hey, I should really email you soon.. Talk to you later, katherine


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