Clocks Like Ticking Bombs With Hairpin Triggers Somewhat Lately
So it's reading week for the Concordians. Can't honestly say I've been looking forward to reading week. I promised myself that this week would be the week I devote myself to looking for an internship. And that I would do it properly. That means researching companies I'd like to work for, reworking my CV, writing up cover letters and calling the companies I'm interested in to see if they are taking on interns. Job hunting is such an intimidating process and I'm just so used to having jobs practically fall into my lap. I've never really had to do this before at this scale, so I'm a little nervous! I'm not actually nervous about speaking to these people, I'm more worried that they're simply going to tell me "no" and then where would I be? I get my hopes up for working at a few different companies that I've selected so I'm afraid of the very possible disappointment they they may not want an intern. So I don't want to call. But I have to call, because I don't want to just e-mail in my CV and then sit there waiting and wondering for weeks on end. I need closure! Anyway, that's what I'm up to this week.
I would also like to credit the band Kamikaze Baby with the lyric I put in as the title of this post. It's from their song called "Time's A Wasting". Its such a great line! Kinda makes me realize how much time I'm wasting writing in this blog as I procrastinate! Anyway, we saw this band at Clyde's last Thursday. They were quite impressive and now I'm the proud owner of their latest album "Identity Crisis". I'd recommend checking them out; they've got a style that you don't often get when it comes to west island bands. They seem to have some Radiohead/Muse influences, and the lyrics are actually meaningful. Very neat.
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