I've Lost Me Somewhere
Recently I came upon a CD where the title was actually an anagram of the singer's name. For anyone that cares, I'm referring to Mike Doughty's most recent album "Haughty Melodic" (get it; if you rearrange the letters in the name 'Michael Doughty' it becomes 'Haughty Melodic'). This got me wondering if my name could be rearranged to spell something clever like that... My quest brought me to www.anagramsite.com. All you have to do is type in your name and it does all of the work for you! When I typped in my full name (and I mean my real first name), I came up with the following:
- Centenary of nil
- Fiercely not Nan
- Latency inferno
- One crafty Lenin (ha ha, that's a funny one!)
- Felony in nectar
So what's your anagram name???
LOL anything with 'milky' in it is somehow hilarious! Why is that? Of course, 'tinkle' has an element of hilarity in it too...!
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