Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

But I Still Have to Wait

Yesterday when I left work, I was walking to the train station and I ran into an old buddy from school. He was with this other guy and they decided to walk with me to the train station. When we got there, this old friend of mine saw this other girl that he knows. He called her over and introduced us. "This is Nancy," he says. "She's applying for DEIA." (grad studies) "Oh yeah" she says and then she recites my full name. Obviously baffled, I asked her how she knew my name. She then told me that she works in the Geography, Planning and the Environment department and she's been managing my application for grad studies! Anyhow, it was then just the two of us girls as my escorts went their own way. So I took the train home with this girl I didn't know who has access to all of my information, including my academic transcripts! She was really nice though, and good company on the train ride home. She even told me that I made the short list of applicants and that I have a really good chance of getting in. That's good to know! Oh, and as we were talking I even realized that I know her boyfriend! These weird coincidental things keep happening to me. Strange...


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