Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

She Had Things to Do, I do Too

Week one of my Ontario existence has passed... and I have to say, it was a pretty good one! I've finally gotten to know some of the people around the office, which is a huge plus. We bonded over "frisbee golf"... Essentially, when working in an office (actually, a large heritage home - my office is in the attic!) surrounded by fields and green space, you have to take advantage of it! One guy in the office plays competitive ultimate frisbee and he taught us how to play frisbee golf, which is just like regular golf except your trying to hit a taget with a frisbee rather than shooting a little ball into a hole. So one person picks a target and decides on a par. And you go from there. Anyway, we played twice this week and it's been a lot of fun! However my right arm is quite sore now from launching frisbees!

This week has also been pretty funny for encountering people I haven't seen or heard from in a long time. You would never belive my astonishment when I found a comment from Erica on my last post. What a surprise! Erica and I were very close friends in high school and we fell out of touch a long time ago, some time during the Michael and Melissa era. Hoo boy, that was a while ago! Anyway, it was really exciting to hear from her! Hey Erica, if you're still reading, I'd love to hear what you've been up to!

The funny thing about Erica's writing to me is that apparently my blog was linked to some alumni newsletter from our high school. Now how did that happen?! I'd really love to know who found me and stuck me in a newsletter. Wow, the wonder of the internet will never cease to amaze me!

Continuing on with meeting up with people, I was also very surprised to encounter an old friend from right around the time Erica and I fell out of touch. I ran into this old buddy (who is a friend of an ex-boyfriend's) yesterday at the Greyhound bus station in Ottawa. Anyway, it turned out we were taking the same bus so we kept each other company on the ride back to Montreal.

Oh, did I not mention that I'm in Montreal right now? Surprise! I have to go back to Ottawa Sunday evening, though. But for the time being, it' s great to be back around the people I care about!


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