Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Monday, April 24, 2006

I Choose to Celebrate the First

OK. So. It's been a busy few days! Let's recount, shall we?

Friday was good fun, even work was fun! On Friday afternoon I had the opportunity to go and see the greenhouses on the 13th floor of the Hall building. They're currently being remodelled. At the moment, the woman who runs the greenhouses is growing all kinds of vegetables up there, including summer squash and cherry tomatoes! The intention is to eventually provide fresh vegetables to the People's Potato (you know, the service at Concordia that provides free vegan food to students), so that's pretty cool! Anyway, she's also growing some strawberry spinach and she told me that when the plants get big enough she'll give me a sprout! Yay, my very own strawberry spinach plant! It seems that this plant is like a spinach plant, but it also grows a fruit that looks like a raspberry but apparently tastes like a strawberry. Go figure! But it sounds neat! Anyway, this stuff can't be given to the People's Potato because it's not organic. Obviously there's been some genetic engineering involved! But what's the big deal with organic food anyway? I mean, spinach = good. Stawberries = good. Therefore, spinach + strawberries = all of the vitamins and minerals I could possibly ever need in one single plant where there is no waste because you can eat the whole thing. Cool!

Next: Friday night was the baby shower for the two ladies I go to school with. They're both expecting little girls at the end of June. It's so exciting! Anyway, the shower was a really good time. Who thought "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" could be so much fun?!

Saturday was less fun. Went to a wake and then a funeral. No one close to me, though, so I'm fine. It was a weird sort of funeral though: there were a bunch of people in jeans and leather jackets. Oh, and they were drinking in the parking lot. Weird. Tacky. And there funeral service itself seemed more like a classroom lecture, where the priest asked people to read from the Bible and asked questions where people would subsequently shout out answers. Strange. But interactive, I suppose.

Saturday evening was Mike's buddy Derek's going-away party. He's moving to Norway for the next 15 months for work. So how did we celebrate? Lots of BBQed hamburgers, fries... and NHL Playoffs! The highlight of the game was when the Habs got a goal (don't remember which one, there were so many!) and Koivu, in his excitement, crashed into a 'Cane and went flying through the air, ha ha! Anyway, that was a good game, let's hope they can keep it up! Especially Huet, because he was awesome!


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