Carousels Make Laps Each Night
I'm done my interview! I think it went pretty well. Seems to me the interview was backwards, though. But how should I know, I haven't had to do an interview in years! It was backwards because they started out by describing the position and then asking me what questions I had. Don't they ususally do that at the end? Well anyway, I asked several questions, and they told me I had good questions, so that's nice! After that, they just asked questions about my CV. And 20 minutes later, it was done. They told me that they'd get back to me by Monday afternoon.
On another note, I'm also incredibely relieved because I got my mark for my class that caused me so much stress and grief this past semester. I got an A! So it was worth it, and it was not all for nothing! It was great because I found out my mark just before my interview, so it gave me that extra little boost of confidence!
And now I sit back and wait...
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