Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Monday, August 08, 2005

Back to School

It figures that my last day at the golf club would absolutely SUCK! It was the worst shift I've experienced since I returned... very reminiscent of the crap that went on last fall. It was like absolutely nothing could go right. A member mocked me, I couldn't handle all of my tables (they all came at the same time) and that led to a frazzled Nancy which subsequently resulted in mistakes. Oh yeah, and when most of the diners were finally leaving, I got a new table and about 5 of us had to sit there until 10:00 just to serve them. In the meantime, apart from them, the place became deserted, we transformed the entire willow room for Monday breakfast, and they would not take the hint that we were closing! Anyway, it's over. Now, I have 3 glorious weeks away from the place! That is, if you consider 3 weeks of an intensive summer course as glorious! But, so far so good, it's turning out better than imagined...

Originally, I was supposed to have a lecture from 9:00 - 12:00 and a lab from 3:00 - 5:00. Monday - Friday. But now the schedule goes; Lecture 9:00 - 11:00 and then the lab is open from 12:00 - 8:00 where we can come and go as we please. Technically, labs should only take 2 hours, though. So I'm liking this revised schedule much more!

Anyway, so we sit in front of our computer workstations (we have our own computer reserved for us!) and work our way through the lab manual on our own. And the prof wanders around helping people when they ask. It's pretty laid-back so it's nice. I think it'll be a good class!


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