Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Tale of Ghost Cat

Okay, so I wrote a blog about Ghost Cat, saved it, published it, and saw it for myself on my very own blog. Two hours later, the post is gone and it's nowhere to be found in my editor. What's going on? Anyway, I'll recreate it here as best I can.

Kim hasn't told the story herself, so I'm gonna do it...

On Saturday afternoon after work, I headed over to Dave and Kim's house, where the brothers had gone over to help them lay down a patio in their backyard. They had collected flat stones from nearby construction sites to use as patio stones. Anyway, Kim showed me the grave site of what we all belive to be a cat. Just beyond the border of their backyard, in the forest, is a little wooden cross with a paper stapled to it that says "Rest in Peace" with a picture of a cartoon cat. There are flat stones laid out in front of the cross. So we decided that, despite the fact that the house is brand new, the site is haunted by Ghost Cat. Apparently, there was a mysterious wet spot on the floor outside the upstairs bathroom in the house that took a very long time to dry, and Kim jokingly suggested that this was where Ghost Cat had peed! Perhaps because his rest was disturbed?!?! Also, I am told that there is a really mangy cat that wanders around the neighbourhood. Maybe it's Ghost Cat!


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