Never Stopping With Her Head Against the Wind
It's official: I am terribly out of shape! But that's alright, it won't be that way for much longer!
I've been feeling pretty listless lately, falling into the bad habit of coming home from work, making dinner, and plopping down in front of the TV. I've finally smartened up (and gotten really bored) and joined a gym. I went for the first time this evening and attended a hip-hop type aerobics class. It was a lot of fun, and it wiped me out. I can't believe I used to do this three days a week (and 5 days during the summer)! Although I'm now exhausted, oddly enough I also feel pretty revved up, if that's at all possible! All in all, the activity has made me feel really good!
On a completely different note, imagine my surprise today when I ran into someone I know from school! I only realized it afterwards that that's another thing I miss about home: I miss running into people on the streets, or the bus or metro, or whatever. It's kinda lonely always being by yourself and knowing no one is going to randomly appear to have a quick chat with. So you can imagine my delight and surprise when I had such an encounter today! Anyway, there are three of us from the DEIA program that are working in Ottawa this summer. Now that we've touched bases, hopefully we'll all be able to hang out once in while... I can see it now... Nancy regains some semblance of a social life... WOO HOO!!!
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