Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Monday, September 19, 2005


The golf tournament that we were all looking forward to for so long is already finished! How sad! In any case, no matter how much practise I had put in, there was nothing that could have prepared me for the rotten weather we got. Although it was supposed to pour rain, it didn't really start until after we finished playing, but it drizzled off and on all afternoon. And the course had become a lake. So we were not allowed to drive the carts off of the paths and we ended up trudging through endless puddles and we all ended up with soaking feet. And us girls, we ended up with pants wet almost up to the knees! Anyhow, we discovered pretty quickly that the ball does not go far when it's been raining! In the rough, it's hard to hit it properly because it sinks into the heavy, wet grass. And you have to get it off the ground because you can't count on the ball to roll. It won't roll in wet grass! However, it was still fun and we all had a good time!

Mike, Nancy, Kim and Dave: At the first tee, before we got soaked!

Nothing's more fun than driving a golf cart!

After drying off and warming up, it was time for dinner! We had some really good steaks cooked on the grill with baked potatoes, veggies, sour cream and pepper sauce. So yummy! There were also door prizes for all of the employees and Mike ended up with two because his coworker didn't want his! Finally, the night ended with a raffle, where there were a bunch of really nice prizes. I was the only lucky one at our table to win a prize, though. I was the third-to-last person to be drawn so there were slim-pickings by the time I got up there. But I did end up with a $50 gift card for Golf Town! Yay me! I think it'll go toward a new driver...


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