Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

All I Need is Time

My first week of school is done. And oh, what a week it was! As of now, I'm preparing myself to be stressed out for the next 8 months or so. It's gonna be a lot of work. Am already working on assignment #1 and beginning research for an upcoming presentation.

A bit of good news is that I got a new job! It just kinda fell in my lap... the department administrator sent out an e-mail to all of the grad students saying she was looking for a new assistant and anyone interested should e-mail her back. So I did (what harm could it do?). Ten minutes later she e-mailed me back saying the job was mine (never has it been so simple!), I just had to get authorized by Financial Aid and Awards since it's part of the work study program at Concordia. I was a little worried that I might not get authorized since priority is given to non-dependents and/or low-income students. But in the end, I worried for nothing and I got authorized! I still don't know much about the job, though, I'm still waiting to get more details about it. It'll be nice to be able to work and go to school all in the same place, though. It'll save me a lot of running around!


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