Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Sierra Tango Uniform Foxtrot Foxtrot

So I finally started transferring the journal I kept in Cuba to web-site format. The only thing is building web pages = time consuming! It's actually not that bad; web page building has come a long way since the dark ages, when I made my first web page. The first time, I had to learn HTML and everything was made in raw HTML format. Now, building web pages is more like writing blogs and you can switch between editors and using HTML whenever you want. Anyway, I opted to use Freewebs, mostly because I didn't know where else to go, it's free and Caio uses it for his page. So I thought: "Why not"? Once there's more posted, I'll include a link so that anyone that's interested can take a look at it.

Last week, the program director at the office left. He didn't renew his contract and he found work elsewhere... I wish him the best of luck! He was a nice guy and we'll miss him around the office. Especially since, as the receptionist, I have to break the bad news to everyone when they call looking for him!

Another annoying thing about people phoning: I get people calling from all over the world and talking over the phone is quite difficult at times, considering lag time and scratchy lines. Even worse is when these people ask for e-mail or web addresses. Then I find myself reciting "... Juliet Oscar Hotel November Mike Oscar Lima Sierra Oscar November..." It's a good thing I know my phonetic alphabet!


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