Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Time to Face the Facts

I already wish I was back on vacation! The best part of being away for a week was to be able to temporarily ignore all of my responsibilities. Now that I'm back, I have to face all of that not-so-fun stuff that regular people deal with all the time. The moment I got home I payed some bills. My next task will be to schedule a bunch of appointments: doctor, optometrist, dentist, SAAQ... and I have to renew my Medicare card. So much to do! I want the beach back!

Well, one good thing about being back home is that I get to sleep in my own bed! And I started back at work today. What I enjoy about going back to work is all of the attention I get: "Oh Nancy, you look so tanned! Did you go on vacation?!" Ha ha! And then there's one of my coworkers who keeps telling me I look "disgusting" whenever she sees me. She's just kidding, though. "You're cute but you're still disgusting!" she says, "You know what I mean, your tan looks great!"

On a completely different note, Mike started his new job yesterday! It sounds really great and I'm so excited for him! He's a career man now! What's the most exciting part about the new job?: "I got my own plaque with my name on it!" he says. Yup, I'm jealous. I work in an office and I don't get a nameplate! Of course, that's because it's a shared workspace... not nearly as cool. Anyhow, I guess seeing your name up there for everyone to see must really make you feel official, huh?


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