Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Thursday, October 26, 2006


For the longest time I was on the lookout for a pumpkin carving set. Couldn't find one. If I was smart I would have looked at the grocery store but I have tapioca for brains and it never occured to me. Luckily, I have a really nice supervisor at work who found one at Loblaws and bought it for me. Sweet! So now I could give my perfect pumpkin - that Mike and I scoured for during our outing to Quinn's Farm - the proper artistic attention it deserved. VoilĂ  my masterpiece the Kin of Pump!

This entry must be dedicted to Danny... after all I've managed to quote him twice in the short paragraph I wrote. What, do you think I came up with "Kin of Pump" on my own??


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Come On Pretty Mama

Oh did I neglect to mention that Mike and I are going on a cruise... for free?!

Yahoo, Mike's company had such a great year that their sending all of the employees and their significant others on a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas! We'll be leaving January 26th for Orlando, Florida and then sailing with Royal Caribbean Cruiselines from Port Canaveral. Then we'll go to Nassau and Cococay... so much fun!

I've never been on a cruise before, but several people have already told me that once you've been cruising, you'll get hooked. We'll have to see! Anyway, I'm already looking forward to escaping yucky winter for a few days to be waited on hand and foot in the beautiful Bahamas! For free! Oh, and while drinks and excursions are not included in the base offer, Mike's company is giving each person (person - not couple) $150 US to use for drinks, excursions, gifts and gratuities. A free trip and spending money!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Subtle Reminder

I went out for lunch last Friday with my usual crew. There's usually four of us, two of which are a couple. Anyway, the girlfriend asks the boyfriend if she can have a piece of his (extremely large) pizza (we were eating at the Prescott, which is famous for its square pizzas). "Sure" he says, and gives her the crummy corner piece that has no toppings on it and barely any cheese. My first thought? "Mike would never do that... he'd make sure to give me a nicer piece."

It's the little things that count, isn't it? Anyway, it's that type of thing that reminds me why Mike is such a wonderful guy and it's good to be reminded every so often.
