Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Monday, January 09, 2006

No Cosmetitian

Yesterday I went to a Mary Kay party... not one of the first places you'd find me, but it ended up being a fun activity with the ladies. Now I can honestly say that my hands are ridiculously soft after having applied numerous cleansers, scrubbers and moisturizers! That was part one of the "beauty party". Then we had to do the same thing with our faces... cleanse, scrub, moisturize. So many products, I can't believe that women use so much stuff for their faces! Five different applications later, we were ready to start putting make-up on! So I put on some foundation... didn't like that much, I never wear the stuff because it makes me feel like my face is all clogged up and oily. But it was alright. Then we put on eyeshadow, blush, lipstick, lip gloss and mascara. I'm now officially terrified of eyeshadow! Again, it's something I never wear. Used to wear it for dance shows and my high school grad photos... but Mom always did the all-important make-up application so I never figured out how to do it myself! And to make matters worse, we were given three different colours to apply on three different parts of the eyelid. How big is an eyelid? How many different colours can you fit onto such a small surface?! It's crazy! Anyhow, I tried to follow the little diagram instructing where to apply each colour (and the colours were scary too - gold, bronze and charcoal) but I couldn't quite figure out how to look at what I was doing with my eyes closed. Needless to say, I ended up looking like a street walker or an alien or something equally scary. Of course, it wasn't scary on only me: the bronze shade made Mom's eyebrows all but disappear so she looked a little off as well. Anyway, after the Mary Kay lady fixed my horrendous application job, I didn't look so scary any more. I just looked like an Ancient Egyptian wannabe. A little bit of extremely dark lipstick later, I looked completely different. And felt really odd with my face ful of products.

But it was all in good fun, and it was completely free. We were under no obligation to buy anything, but naturally, we all felt compelled to support the nice lady and purchased her over-priced products. But it's all good. All of the stuff she had us try was very nice in quality, so I feel like I'll be happy with my purchases. And it's for a good cause. Some of the profits go toward cancer patients, so that's nice!


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