Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Friday, January 13, 2006

Live It Off the Wall

Oooooo it's Friday the 13th! Are you scared? No? Okay, how about this: tonight is a full moon! Now you must be terrified! Actually, don't even bother, the full moon is actually tomorrow night. So while we're out partying downtown for Kim's birthday, we'll have to watch out for werewolves. You never know. Especially downtown.

Here are some quotes I've been hearing around school and the office; just proof that geographers are not linguists:

  1. "Retchard" (instead of Richard)
  2. "He's revolting!" (in reference to a prof. that was having a mini-tantrum)
  3. "... so as to avoid any incontinence and overlap with your other colleagues." (received in an e-mail. Emaphasis added)
  4. "I have to go get my butt" (instead of bottes)

Okay, I'll admit, that last one was me. But in my defense, bottes and butt sound a lot alike! I guess my crazy bilingual talk doesn't always work!


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