Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Time Well Spent... But Not Really

Okay, I figure it's been a while since I wrote anything here. It's been... what, three days? Well, it feels like a long time! But that's what happens when you're on spring break. Yup, spring break in February. Or should I say, 'Reading Week' in February? While some people go to Cuba (you know who you are!) and others go skiing, I will sit here and do what I'm actually supposed to do: catch up on my reading for school. Oh wait, scratch that. I intend to catch up on my reading. That's more like it! Whether or not it actually gets done is a whole other story!

Three days into my break I've watched several movies, had some drinkies, played some sockey... yes, I do mean 'sockey'. With an 's'.

Hmm, spring break isn't very conducive to the blog writer. How boring! I'm going to have to start rustling up some adventures...


At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What!? I am stuck at Concordia (on a Sunday no less) doing work, likely for the entire week, and your watching movies and playing sockey (what is that btw?)!?


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Ah, gotta love the anonymous comment. I was able to figure out who lwft the last one, but this one I am unsure about... Tell me who you are and maybe I'll tell you what sockey is (I can be such a tease)!

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh, if you read carefully there is enough clues.

(I am an even bigger tease)

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a man, but still know how to act like a boy.

I am shy, but often outspoken.

We communicate now, then, and tomorrow.

You have links to my past, and I have a links to your present and future.

Nothing I say will define me, but you know me.

There are words that will give me away,

but my lips are sealed, and my fingers will remain numb.

Do I need to continue?

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Yeah okay, I've figured you out... not too many guys I know speak in poetry the way you do!

I still won't tell you what sockey is, though... that's what you get for giving me the runaround!

At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you know who this is, I am not even sure who I am.

Well, I googled sockey and found this great website ...

although it clearly states that you have to be 8 years old!!


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