Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

In with the Rooster


We are now in the year of the Rooster... hey, that's exciting, that's my year! They say that people born in the year of the Rooster tend to be prideful. Am I prideful? Hmm, does advertising my personal life over the internet make me prideful?... Maybe! But it's nice to know that my life is characterized by one of the seven deadly sins... I think I'd rather be a Monkey!

Moving on: I saw a girl on the city bus last night, she had a broken nose. It reminded me of my cousin. You see, about 2 weeks ago, his car beat him up. He was tooling down the highway when the airbags in his car suddenly deployed for no reason... how does that happen?!?! Anyway, the force from the airbags cracked his windshield and bashed his nose. He was actually very lucky that he didn't get into an accident... or was he? Apparently, it is very expensive to get airbags replaced. Not only do they have to have the sir sucked out of them, they must be reinstalled and the dashboard must be replaced. And in my cousin's case, the windshield as well (get this: right after this happened, a cop pulled him over and gave him a warning to get his windshield replaced). Anyhow, his insurance will not cover the costs of the repairs: he did not get into an accident! I believe that my poor cousin is considering pressing charges. However, I am told that big car companies are bound to have big time lawyers and that they are not prone to settling. Apparently, if this issue is pursued, my cousin will most likely end up in court.

But what do I know? I know nothing about law!


At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the online journal idea - it suits you quite well. I'm glad to see that things are on the up and up, however i must admit i'm surprised about your supernatural abilities, may i suggest a new name for the blog - Nancy Lee: Trivial Psychic.... i think it has a nice ring to it, don't you? so did you ever find mrs. polygon at the restaurant?

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nancy!
I tried visiting your website and it didn't work! anyways, if you want to use an easy webpage-making website, go to!

anyways my blogger is

I am waiting your visit there!


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Ha ha, it took me a few minutes to figure out the mrs. polygon reference! And once I did, I deducted the identity of my mystery anonymous comment-leaver. So, in response to your question; yes, I did, thanks!


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