Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Trust No One (Except for Those You Can Trust)

I just got a strange phone call... I'll share it with you!
So the phone rings and this woman is on the line. She says she's calling from Fido. Apparently, I've been selected to win a new phone. I'm thinking 'cool!'... up until the woman asks me for my name. My first thought was, 'If she's calling from Fido, why does she need my name?'. Seeing as I currently have a contract with Fido, one would think that my name would be in their database. Anyhow, I give the woman a chance and give her my name. I give her my address as well. Then she asks for a credit card number. For a credit check. This is when the little alarm bells start going off in my head. The woman notices my hesitation. She says; "If you don't have a credit card, I can take your social insurance number." That was when I laughed at her. Was she kidding?! Why would I ever give my social insurance number to a complete stranger over the phone?! Anyway, I asked her how this new phone would work with my current contract with Fido. This is when she got confused because she wasn't aware that I already had a cell phone. "Sorry," she says, "There's nothing I can do." With that, the phone call ends.

I feel somewhat badly because I was a bit short with the woman. I don't know if I was being overly suspicious, yet the whole thing did not seem completely legitimate. I know that at this point, I am definitely mistrustful, having already been the victim of fraud this month. My credit cards were stolen from me and now that I've finally got all that back in order (numerous phone calls to both Visa and Mastercard and the Montreal Police, a nice little trip to the local police station to file a report), I don't feel like having to deal with all of that again! Excuse me if I'm a little over-protective of my personal belongings!

On a brighter note, I recommend you go and visit Steph's blog. She's begun recording the adventures of Norm, the Domino's Pizza delivery guy. You can see Norm featured in Dominos' new advertising campaign. If you're in need of a good laugh at the expense of someone else, go check it out! The link is on the right side of the page!


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