Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Friday, February 11, 2005

I Propose Outlawing the Ingestion of McDonalds Food on City Buses

I was exceptionally lazy today, I woke up at noon. And I'm usually a fairly early riser. When I woke up and looked at the clock, I immediately felt guilty. As to why, I can't explain it! Anyway, my first task of the day was to come to my computer and do the blog thing. I was so happy to find some comments from people! It seems that blogging has become somewhat of a fad: I originally got the idea from Aurora. Subsequently, both Kim and Steph decided to create blogs as well. Notice I added in a Links area, so anyone can can go and visit them as well; they're just a click away!

Yesterday was COLD. It was blowing snow all day... And it had been so nice earlier in the week! Thursdays are bad enough already! I worked from 8:30 to 3:30, hopped on a shuttle bus to the other campus to get to my 4:15 class and then shuttled it back to the downtown campus for another class at 6:00. That one ends at 8:00. It makes for a long day (when I finally made it back to the West Island, I fell asleep watching 'Napoleon Dynamite' - don't tell Kim!). It also makes for a really long stretch of time where I have no time to eat beacuse I'm always travelling back and forth trying to get to class on time! And so, last night at 8:30, I found myself exhausted and starving standing in an overpacked city bus with a woman eating McDonalds french fries sitting right below me. Have you ever noticed the smell of McDonalds food? Everything smells the same and it's so easily identifiable. And so potent! Anyhow, as someone who tries to never eat McDonalds food (triple bypass and the runs waiting to happen), I could have grabbed those french fries right out of that woman's clutches and inhaled them all! In any case, do people realize how much the smell of food can affect people in small enclosed spaces such as a bus? I've seen people bring McDonalds food onto the metro before and when they get on, you can actually see people's heads swivel in the direction of the food. It's not fair! We're starving! And we have to smell your greasy-heart-attack-in-a-box-but-oh-so-delicious McDonalds of a breakfast. And thus, everyone begins to salivate.

Hmm, it's just occured to me how hungry I am. Time for lunch!


At 2:10 AM, Blogger Aurora said...

Man, don't people realise that writing long, vivid descriptions about yummy, artery clogging fast-food is very inconsiderate to fellow bloggers who are up at 2am, and can't find anything good to eat in their house!

I kid.

Seriously though, I do have to find something to eat.


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