Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Aww, Stop Complaining! Everything's Fine!

As of Monday, my coworker at the office started a new job. She left rather suddenly, having been requested to start at her new job right away. Although this left us with very little warning, I can't say that I blame her for leaving. I mean, I wouldn't turn down a job that's in my field either. Also, she's been looking for another job for a while. And while I am very happy for her, I can't help be feel a little selfish about it either. Boo, she left me! And there's no one at reception during the day anymore, so all of the work piles up and I have to take care of it the two days a week that I'm there! Well, there's also someone there on Fridays, so that's alright. Anyway, her absence was apparent the first day... when I arrived at the office, everyone seemed extra frazzled and there was lots of work for me to do! It was actually a pleasant change, seeing as I spend most of my evenings there reading a book or surfing the net. I also figured that what with losing one person, I would get requests to work extra hours. Sure enough, I was asked to take on any extra day shifts that I could. I've volunteered an extra two days for after the spring break but I can't be expected to do this all the time: I've got to concentrate on school!

Anyhow, I hope they hire someone soon. The nice thing about this situation is that perhaps I'll get a chance at better hours, seeing as I will no longer be the newest person there! Yeah! And if I end up staying there for the summer, maybe I won't have to work all of the evening shifts. That'd be nice...

Anyway, I wish my old coworker the best of luck in her new job!


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