Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Monday, August 14, 2006

It's a Hindrance to My Health if I'm a Stranger to Myself

It's so funny how sometimes things just seem to fall in to place, even though I know it's not necessarily what happened. I've just been rereading some of my past entries, going back to May when I first moved to Ottawa. It's fun to look back and remember what it was like to move to a strange city, not knowing anyone, not knowing how to get around, not knowing anything! But now, over three months later, I can finally say that I'm really happy. I enjoy my job, the people here are awesome, even my landlord and landlady ("landpeople"??) are really nice (they invite me up for a glass of wine every once in a while!) It's nice to sit back and look at my situation and say "Yep, I've got it good"! Because we all know things change, so we have to hold on to what we've got! I spent a good month in this basement apartment feeling lonely and missing my home. Although I still miss being home with everyone (and missing out on outings and events) I'm dealing with it much better than I used to. And that's a good thing, because I recently agreed to extend my stay in Ottawa. In fact, my time here will double.

Once my internship officially finishes (September 8th) I will be starting a casual position, which is a 90 (working) day term, which will come to roughly 4 - 4 1/2 months. So not only am I guaranteed work for another 4 months, but it will be a real position, rather than an internship, which will look pretty good on my resumé. The more experience I can get while I'm here, the better. Anyway, I should be getting an letter of offer within the next week. Then it will be official!

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