Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Adventures with Fruit Salad in the Park

Today was a fun day! I took up the invitation for croquet and therefore made my way to Parc Lafontaine for an afternoon of fun in the (very hot) sun! I met up with some old friends, made some new ones, and tried my darndest at croquet! Played three games, and I came in second on the last round, so I guess I did pretty good! During my first game, I played really well, but so did everybody else, so that didn't help! My friend who had organized the afternoon had also brought a book of "Scooby Doo" Mad-Libs, which also resulted in some giggles. For example; "One afternoon, Scooby and Shaggy discovered they were ethnic, and so they decided to go and get some snacks..." Ha ha. There was also a large bowl of fruit salad and a profusion of forks so we all happily got in on the free snack. At one point, a guy came by, walking his bicycle. "Hey, can I have a piece of fruit?" he asked. We obliged and he grabbed some from our bowl. As he was walking away, someone said "You can get as much fruit as you want when you're in the Village!" Anyone familiar with Montreal's "Village" will surely get the pun. I swear, some people are so quick! How do they get so clever? Moving on. While we were still munching on our fruit salad, I looked behind me at one point and I suddenly felt something land in my lap. I looked down to my crossed legs and saw a piece of watermelon had somehow landed on my white pants. "How did that get there?" I asked. This girl that I had never met before, who was sitting about five feet away from me said "I just launched a watermelon at you." I don't know how she managed to do that, but somehow it had landed in my lap and left a large pink smear on the leg. I was kind of annoyed because I have worn those pants 4 times now, and 3 of those times they had gotten stained. The first time, I wore them out to dinner and the waitress scared me when she came up behind me and I got cranberry juice on them. The second time, a popscicle dripped on them. Three's a charm and nothing happened. Then there was the strange girl throwing fruit at me. "These pants get stained every time I wear them." I said. "Yeah, that's because they're white." she answered. Huh. She could at least have said she was sorry... whoever she was.


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