Not Your Average Butcher

Fast Fact: The average butcher has 7.3 fingers. Actually, I made that up, but I have all 10 of my fingers, so that's saying something... or is it?

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Drumroll Please...

It's official, I'm moving to Ottawa for the summer!

I've actually known since Thursday afternoon, but I'm only getting around to posting now, sorry! I actually received an e-mail on Thursday afternoon saying that they wanted to let me know as soon as possible that they wanted to hire me and that they were in the process of working with human resources to make me an official offer of employment!

So for the rest of Thursday and all of Friday I worked madly to finish my two last projects for school (yay, now I'm officially done!) and told my boss at the Geography department about my new job. "When does my job here end?" I asked her, "Whenever you want" she answered (sweet!). So she told me I should take this coming Friday off so I can "gather my thoughts" before I move, because I'll probably have to move next weekend. So my last day at the Geography department will be on Monday. So sad...

So yeah, moving next weekend, I know that's really fast! On Friday when I got home from work I started making some phone calls for rooms to rent. So far I've set up three appointments and Mike and I will be driving over to Ottawa on Sunday to check them out.

Phew! It's been a busy couple of days! My task next week will be to go shopping and buy some appropriate office clothing and shoes. I'm not complaining, I'm going shopping!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Carousels Make Laps Each Night

I'm done my interview! I think it went pretty well. Seems to me the interview was backwards, though. But how should I know, I haven't had to do an interview in years! It was backwards because they started out by describing the position and then asking me what questions I had. Don't they ususally do that at the end? Well anyway, I asked several questions, and they told me I had good questions, so that's nice! After that, they just asked questions about my CV. And 20 minutes later, it was done. They told me that they'd get back to me by Monday afternoon.

On another note, I'm also incredibely relieved because I got my mark for my class that caused me so much stress and grief this past semester. I got an A! So it was worth it, and it was not all for nothing! It was great because I found out my mark just before my interview, so it gave me that extra little boost of confidence!

And now I sit back and wait...

Try This Trick and Spin It

Alrighty, my interview is this afternoon. Must remain confident! I'm as ready as I'll ever be, so I guess I'm good to go!

Here's something slightly disturbing: the funeral home in Longeuil that I (we) went to last week was on the news last night. Apparently, last July, someone broke in and decapitated a cadaver and stole the head. That's awful! Why would someone do something like that?! Anyway, the investigation is still going on and last night they announced a $10,000 reward for anyone providing information on the location of this poor woman's head. The family is understandably pretty upset.

Another interesting thing about the news: the weather guy went to my highschool! That was on Global News at 11:00 pm. I'd never seen him there before because I ususally watch the news on CTV because Raymond Filion from Global bothers me; he talks like an actor in a soap opera. But now that I've seen Anthony Farnell doing the weather, I'm torn! Global or CTV? CTV or Global?

Monday, April 24, 2006


The moment I've been waiting so long for has arrived! I've finally gotten a job interview for a possible internship!

It'll be on Thursday afternoon... Wish me luck!

I Choose to Celebrate the First

OK. So. It's been a busy few days! Let's recount, shall we?

Friday was good fun, even work was fun! On Friday afternoon I had the opportunity to go and see the greenhouses on the 13th floor of the Hall building. They're currently being remodelled. At the moment, the woman who runs the greenhouses is growing all kinds of vegetables up there, including summer squash and cherry tomatoes! The intention is to eventually provide fresh vegetables to the People's Potato (you know, the service at Concordia that provides free vegan food to students), so that's pretty cool! Anyway, she's also growing some strawberry spinach and she told me that when the plants get big enough she'll give me a sprout! Yay, my very own strawberry spinach plant! It seems that this plant is like a spinach plant, but it also grows a fruit that looks like a raspberry but apparently tastes like a strawberry. Go figure! But it sounds neat! Anyway, this stuff can't be given to the People's Potato because it's not organic. Obviously there's been some genetic engineering involved! But what's the big deal with organic food anyway? I mean, spinach = good. Stawberries = good. Therefore, spinach + strawberries = all of the vitamins and minerals I could possibly ever need in one single plant where there is no waste because you can eat the whole thing. Cool!

Next: Friday night was the baby shower for the two ladies I go to school with. They're both expecting little girls at the end of June. It's so exciting! Anyway, the shower was a really good time. Who thought "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" could be so much fun?!

Saturday was less fun. Went to a wake and then a funeral. No one close to me, though, so I'm fine. It was a weird sort of funeral though: there were a bunch of people in jeans and leather jackets. Oh, and they were drinking in the parking lot. Weird. Tacky. And there funeral service itself seemed more like a classroom lecture, where the priest asked people to read from the Bible and asked questions where people would subsequently shout out answers. Strange. But interactive, I suppose.

Saturday evening was Mike's buddy Derek's going-away party. He's moving to Norway for the next 15 months for work. So how did we celebrate? Lots of BBQed hamburgers, fries... and NHL Playoffs! The highlight of the game was when the Habs got a goal (don't remember which one, there were so many!) and Koivu, in his excitement, crashed into a 'Cane and went flying through the air, ha ha! Anyway, that was a good game, let's hope they can keep it up! Especially Huet, because he was awesome!

Monday, April 17, 2006

How I Got Revenge!

I realize its a bit late, but I have to talk about Mike's birthday. As I had hinted a while back, I had something up my sleeve... and hooooo boy did I have a good time!

As a way to make him work for his birthday gifts, I organized a treasure hunt, where each clue would lead him to a gift and another clue. The catch was that the locations were pretty spread out... he was forced to drive to his best friends house, his brother's house, a car rental agency and his own house. Of course, I was nice enough to get him Esso gift certificates so he wouldn't have to pay for all of the wasted gas while driving around.

Anyway, it was a successful venture! I was a little nervous about it because there was one part where someone from my family had to steal his car keys to put a gift in the trunk of Mike's car while he was looking for a gift in my basement. But it worked! Anyway, I had fun!

Anyway, thanks to the following people for their help and cooperation!: Dan, Dave, Kim, Danny and Joe!

You Fool... You STUPID FOOL!

So here I am sitting in the computer lab at school. It's really quite strange being here on a holiday. On days like today the buidling locked up excpet for one door that leads you straight to the security desk. Once you get there you have to show your ID card and sign in (and then sign out when you leave). Only faculty and grad students are allowed in on days like today. So anyway, I just went down to the 7th floor cafeteria to heat up my lunch in the microwave. It was really weird to wander around the cafeteria in the middle of the day when it was completely abandoned. How disconcerting! Never before had I thought I would manage to roam an empty Hall building; I'm just so used to it being absolutely bursting with people and noise!

It felt like a scene straight out of a movie! That movie being The Langoliers of course! The Langoliers is based on my very favourite Stephen King novel(la). It's about a group of people who go through a time rip while on an airplane and find themselves stuck 15 minutes in the past. However, this is not your normal, everyday time travel. What happens here is that they end up in a world that is 15 minutes past due and everything has moved on. This world they end up in is completely abandoned; there are no people, sounds don't travel properly, scents disppear, matches don't light and soda doesn't even fizz. Not only is this world boring, but it is the job of the Langoliers to clean up (or eat up) all of the expired worlds. So naturally, these people have to escape this expired world before the Langoliers destroy it, and them. And inevitably there is the guy that goes crazy and tries to kill everyone.

Anyway; great book. Very different. All in all, being in the empty cafeteria today reminded me of that story. And I have a vivid imagination.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

School's Out Forever... I Hope!

School's out!

If all goes according to plan, I will never have to set foot in another classroom ever again!

That is, if all goes according to plan. The end of school seems to have been very anti-climactic for me. Mostly because I find myself in this sort of limbo where I don't know what's going to happen to me in the next month or so! Ack! I'm still looking for an internship for the summer; as yet, I haben't heard anything. If I don't find an internship soon, I'm going to have to go back to school and take two more classes to finish my diploma. Crappy. I'm just really hoping to find an internship and get this thing done so I can graduate, establish a career and begin my life already!

I just hope I get some call-backs soon. At this point, just getting an interview would really boost my confidence.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme

Back from Toronto!

What a fun trip! It was nice to just relax for a couple days and not have to think about anything related to real life! I got to sit in our rented Ford Explorer, sleep in two hotels, swim in two hotel pools, lounge in two hotel hot tubs, go shopping, attend a wedding shower and eat a lot of food! And all for the low, low cost of $98! Oh yeah, and add another $15 because I was stupid enough to forget my dressy shoes at home and had to buy some in Scarborough (you can't expect me to wear my skater shoes with my wedding shower outfit!)

Here are some highlights from our weekend away:

  1. The helicopter elevator
  2. Shoeless Joe's (any calls for Moosehead related prizes yet??)
  3. Our pimpin' ride
  4. Pear flavoured Bacardi Breezers
  5. Uncle Butt-Crack (I don't know if this really qualifies as a "highlight"!)
  6. The impromptu mashed potato picture (it gets bigger every time!)
  7. The blue rose
  8. The Movator

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Grey Skies Are Gonna Clear Up

I'm very happy to say that the worst part of this nightmare semester is almost over! And with that, I can finally start to think about all of the cool, fun stuff that's coming up in the next week and a half!
  1. This weekend a bunch of us are taking off to Toronto for the weddding shower (remember Christine and Martin who will be getting married in Cuba in June?)
  2. Next Thursday us DEIA students are having a double baby shower! Two of the students are expecting in June and naturally, these ladies and their bundles of joy, being a part of the extended DEIA family, must be celebrated! So that's dinner out on the 13th.
  3. April 14th is Mike's 24th birthday. And let me tell you, have I got PLANS for HIM! This is revenge time for when he made me wait half an hour between each present at my last birthday AND for making me answer trivia questions for each gift at Christmas!
  4. Oh yeah, how could I forget, it's also going to be Easter!

Yay for fun stuff that I can look forward to!